Friday, September 20, 2013


This film is as sad as a heartless cloud of locusts on a starving village


That’s a very sad film about young people in the USA of 1916-1918.

A couple, probably not married, pretending to be brother and sister escape hard work in  Chicago and go south to Texas and work on a farm. The young and isolated parentless farmer falls in love with the woman who accepts to stay provided her “brother” and the girl presented as her sister who is travelling with them can stay too.

The ambiguous situation did not last long and when the next harvest comes the drama come to its natural end in a cloud of locusts, an accidental fire of the wheat field and the death of the young farmer duly married to the woman who had managed to fall in love in a way or another with him but could not choose.

No escape possible in that case and the funny hunt against buffaloes or rabbits or coyotes becomes a hunt after a murderer. And justice will not cost one single penny, not even for the rope.

The woman and the girl have to disappear in a way or another and they do.

That’s a time in America when being on the road, or railroad, being on the move was part of the life style but at the same time part of the poverty and the only way for many to escape poverty, overexploitation, and crowded misery. But then obscurity and lies do not lead to a clear future and all human relations get exploded in a jiffy. Survival is then the only objective left and the means are not supposed to matter very much.

Don’t think this has disappeared. In our societies there is still 20 to 25% of the population that is under the level of self-sufficiency, be it in education, in financial means, in hygiene or health, and they run around trying to survive in cardboard boxes or dealing and peddling anything they can put their hands on. It is sad indeed but there is no village to look after these lost souls. Sooner or later it turns catastrophic for them, or they turn catastrophic for the others with a gun and a few rounds of bullets. They say it is nothing but insanity. Is it really only that?


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