Saturday, June 27, 2015


Jacques Coulardeau ar KR-Gomestudio (18)

Synchrosome II-Ilya and Vanya
Kévin Thorez, compositeur et interprète
Jacques Coulardeau, auteur et interprète
NadXka, interprète.

A small article essentially centered on the technical side of things, the machines used to produce the CDs. Do not expect anything like a real critique, or review, or even artistic presentation of the music itself. But that is always funny to have your name page 16 of a national magazine you will not be able to read online, only on paper, issue n° 304, February-March 2015.

Notre musique vise au dépaysement sonore, à la recherche d’un univers où instruments, langue et chant se conjuguent en un tout surprenant et même parfois bouleversant.. . .
            Ces thèmes sont d’autant plus développés qu’un récit ou dialogue entre Ilya et Vanya prend corps liant les chansons et révélant deux êtres se torturant par et pour leur propre amour dans l’album Synchrosome II, Ilya and Vanya.
            Les visuels sont des peintures de ma cousine, Caroline Guille, tableaux visibles pour certains, sur son site : .

This story has to be dedicated to time and life. It is the result of meeting many people in the avenues of big Paris, gay as is well-known, and gay it is, indeed.
The songs were written to the music Kévin Thorez had previously composed. All the songs are from 2011-2012.
The dramatic story of Ilya and Vanya was written in 2013, integrating the lyrics of the songs as part of the story. It is a full homage to a young man who does not like his name to be quoted or uttered. Anonymous he will stay, just the way he likes it, and he likes many things, and people. MP3 STORE
1:19:14 – Langue : anglais/English – Indie & Alternative – Explicit Lyrics - ASIN: B00J0B57BC - EUR 9,99 TTC

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